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Standing Committee

The Standing Committee oversees CSPOC activities. It is composed of 15 members, with 5 members constituting a quorum. The Committee is chaired by the Speaker of the lower House of the jurisdiction hosting the next conference. The term of office extends from the end of one conference to the end of the next conference.

In accordance with the Standing Rules, the Committee membership is composed of regional representatives and three ex-officio members (the last host, the current host and the next hosting member). The election of the Standing Committee members usually occurs during the closing plenary of each conference.


The functions of the Standing Committee shall be:

  1. to decide dates, venues and procedures of the next Conference;
  2. to propose subjects for discussion at the next Conference and to prepare a Draft Agenda;
  3. to review the Standing Rules and to propose, as it deems necessary, draft amendments to the Rules for the consideration of the Conference, and
  4. to consider all matters concerning the organisation and conduct of the Conference, including financial arrangements.

Role of the Secretary

The Secretary is responsible for organizing the Standing Committee meetings in the year between conferences of the Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers. In that capacity, the Secretary consults, creates and communicates the agenda to the Committee and acts as liaison among the membership and with the host Parliament.

The Secretary is also responsible for:

  • Sending out to all CSPOC members a list of topics in preparation for the forthcoming conference;
  • Preparing the conference agenda, the detailed agenda for the Chair and the agenda for the closing plenary session (circulation of the nomination forms, election of the Standing Committee members and compilation of the results of voting); and
  • Acting as the custodian of all membership lists, standing rules, minutes of meetings and transcripts of conferences.